I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Ice-Cream

Our amazing team decided it was time to put the articulation cards and story grammar books aside while we went on a field trip to the Museum of Ice Cream (MOIC).  The MOIC recently opened in San Francisco and tickets sold out within minutes. The Museum is an interactive experience complete with a brief history of ice-cream (did you know that Barack Obama worked at Baskin Robbins), ring-toss, scratch and sniff-wallpaper, a rainbow unicorn to ride, a life side, willy wonka-esque gummy bear garden, climbing wall, and of course a four-foot sprinkle pool (complete with pool toys and diving board).  By noon we had eaten ice cream, cotton candy, pop rocks and mochis. What a fun  morning and huge thank you to Leigh Nile for capturing these amazing photos for us.