Client Dashboard FAQ
When I click on the link to the Client Dashboard, I get an error message that reads “session cannot be found”.
Please refresh the page. If that does not work, please email info@katzspeech.com for a new link.
I clicked the “forgot password” button, but I have not received the password reset email.
You can only use the email (or emails) that you provided during your intake to login to the Client Dashboard. If you are using this email, check your spam/junk folder for the password reset link. If you’re trying to login with a different or new email please reach out to our front office (info@katzspeech.com) to confirm that we have all contact information on file.
I have more than one child or family members who are/were a client at Jennifer Katz, Inc., how do I locate the paperwork and medical history for each individual?
When you login to the Client Dashboard and you have more than one child of family member who currently is a client at JKI, or who has been a JKI client in the past, your login defaults to the “Family” page.
To access the correct profile, you’ll need to select the desired account from the drop-down menu when clicking “Change Account” at the top right of the screen (see below). Once you’ve changed accounts, you can continue on to the intake paperwork or viewing a completed report. You can switch between family member accounts at any time when you are logged in.
I filled out and signed the release of information and the questionnaires, but I cannot find the Pediatric Medical History.
The pediatric medical record is in a separate location than the other forms. To find the medical history, from the main menu navigate to “Records” then “Medical History” (see below) then add and complete a pediatric medical history record.
I am unable to select “submit” on the Pediatric Medical Record.
Please make sure you have completed all required fields. Required fields are marked with an asterisk. If the required fields on each tab of the medical history record have been filled out, hit the “Save” button in the top left and everything will be saved to your chart.
The Pediatric Medical Record is grayed out and I can’t fill out any sections.
If you open the medical history record and are unable to add any information to the fields, try clicking the “Update” button in the upper right and this should open the fields for editing. See screenshot below.
Alternatively, we may be accessing your chart on our end and need to exit out to make it available for your editing. In that case, please give us a few minutes and try again.
How do I update the address/contact/demographic information that is in my child’s chart?
From the main menu of the Client Dashboard go to “Profile”. From there you can change, add, or update the information found under Personal Info and Contacts Info
Our insurance changed or is different from what I see in the Client Dashboard, what do I do?
From the main menu of the Client Dashboard go to “Profile”. From there you can change, add, or update the information found under Insurance Info and upload a picture of the front and back of your insurance card. Please only enter information under primary insurance. We do not submit to secondary insurance.
To ensure that our office receives notification of this change you should also message the office to update insurance info from the button found on the same screen.
How do I access completed assessment reports and progress notes?
All completed assessment reports, progress notes and discharge notes can be found in the Client Dashboard under Records > Visit Summaries (see below). You can view and/or print any of these PDFs. Daily notes are not available on the Client Dashboard, but you can make a records request to our office if you need to obtain copies of these as well.
After I complete my intake paperwork will I need to access the Client Dashboard ever again?
Yes! Our office recommends bookmarking the JKI Client Dashboard page. You can update your contact or insurance information if it changes in the future. You will also use the Client Dashboard to view and/or print any assessment reports, progress notes, and discharge notes.
Other features available on the Dashboard are viewing all upcoming scheduled appointments, pay an outstanding balance on your account, or messaging our office through your chart.
Under Notices & Policies you can find a copy of our Attendance Policies and our Financial Policies.
I received an invoice, statement, or superbill from your office that requires a password to open. Help!
The password to open any PDF attached to a billing email from our office is the same as the password that same email uses to login to our Client Dashboard. We recommend you make a note of the password you use for the Client Dashboard as you’ll use this same one to open your invoices, statements, and superbills.
We cannot send these without this password protection.
If you’ve forgotten your Client Dashboard password and reset it, you’ll need to request a new invoice, statement, or superbill be sent to you in order to use the new password to open it.